

About IMMUNO-model

The COST Action IMMUNO-model CA21135 aims to foster research and innovation in the field of preclinical immuno-oncology models with the ultimate goal of advancing in the treatment of cancer patients by improving their outcomes and quality of life.

The unprecedented change that immunotherapy has represented in the treatment of cancer is best illustrated by the spectacular results obtained in previously incurable malignancies, such as metastatic melanoma. However, the widespread use of these therapies has been hindered by their limited effectiveness and associated toxicities. A better understanding on the complex interactions between tumor cells and the immune system is strictly required to address these problems, and to develop more effective and safer immunotherapies. However, one of the most important obstacles in immuno-oncology research is the scarcity of preclinical models that faithfully recapitulate human immunity and contribute to identify novel therapeutic targets, characterize biomarkers of therapeutic response and toxicity, and generate reliable data on drug synergies.

IMMUNO-model will bring together European researchers from diverse sectors (academia, clinical, industry) with the common goal of establishing a Network that endorses immuno-oncology research by specifically promoting the sharing, standardization and application of immunotherapy preclinical models. This Action will allow the implementation of a broad, creative and collaborative hub through the organization of community-building activities, the creation of synergies among European and non-European scientists, and the training of future researchers in the field. The ultimate aim of this Action is to contribute to translate novel scientific discoveries into benefits to cancer patients and the society.

Specific Objectives

To achieve the main objective, the following specific objectives shall be accomplished:

Research Coordination

Objective 1 (CB-O1)

To build up a critical mass of immuno-oncology researchers to foster knowledge exchange and the development of a joint research agenda around preclinical models in immunotherapy.

Objective 2 (RC-O2)

To collect, integrate and organize experimental data on immunotherapy models and establish open-access standardized protocols and guidelines.

Objective 3 (RC-O3)

To facilitate the transferability of knowledge between basic, translational, and clinical investigators, and with SMEs.

Capacity Building

Objective 1 (CB-O1)

To build up a critical mass of immuno-oncology researchers to foster knowledge exchange and the development of a joint research agenda around preclinical models in immunotherapy.

Objective 2 (CB-O2)

To promote the participation in IMMUNO-model of young researchers, women, and investigators from Inclusive Target Countries (ITCs).

Objective 3 (CB-O3)

To become a network of reference in the field of immunotherapy research.


The main challenge of this Action is to establish a network of scientists involved in the development and implementation of preclinical models evaluating the response and toxicity induced by immunotherapies to expand our knowledge in their mechanisms of action and improve the survival and quality of life of cancer patients.

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How to Participate

The COST Action IMMUNO-model welcomes research-active scientists working in the field.

How to Get Involved

  • Read the Project Description MoU;
  •  Inform the Main Proposer/Chair of your interest (email);
  • Apply to join your Working Groups of interest;
  • You will be informed by the working group leaders as soon as your application has been reviewed;
  • Please note, Management Committee nominations are carried out through the COST National Contact Points.

How to participate in an existing Action?

If you would like to join this COST Action please ensure that you read the guidance notes published on the COST website. You can find full documentation regarding general rules and guidelines for COST Actions at www.cost.eu/participate.

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