01. Past Activities
01.1 Dissemination of IMMUNO-model Cost action activities

Emmet Mc Cormack (WG2 Leader) from University of Bergen presented IMMUNO-model COST action at the 19th European Molecular Imaging Meeting held in Porto, Portugal (12th-15th March, https://e-smi.eu/meetings/emim/2024-porto/ ). More info here.
01.2 Dissemination of IMMUNO-model Cost action activities
GianMarco Contino (TGRC1 Leader) from University of Birmingham, UK, presented IMMUNO-model COST action at EUSICA/INSICA-Brain Meeting, 21-22 May 2024, in London, UK. EUSICA (European Network for Sinonasal Cancer Research) is a European International network of Sinonasal Cancer research and brain tumour research. The above event was jointly held with Oncology Professional Care, focusing on the whole patient pathway.
01.3 Webinar 02

01.4 2nd Annual Meeting
The Second Annual Conference, entitled “From Pre-clinical Models to the Search for Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology” was held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 13th to 15th of May 2024. (https://www.immuno-model.eu/newss/annual-meeting-workshop/).
More than 150 participants attended. It was a very important annual meeting that allowed advancing knowledge and establishing scientific collaborations.
01.5 Training School

Summer school on immunogenomic computational tools has been held in Zaragoza, Spain, from the 11th to the 13th June 2024. For more details on the computational immunogenomic training subjects visit the website here.
01.6 Webinar 03

Prof. Kuttler and Peter Hinow were hosted by Dr. Peter Rashkov from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, to speak about “Mathematical Oncology”. The webinar was on 25th June 2024. Visit the website: https://www.immuno-model.eu/webinar-series/immuno-model-webinar-03-mathematical-oncology/
01.7 Upcoming Activities
01.7.1 Workshop
Immunotherapies: charting a course from the lab to the clinic will be held in Dublin, Ireland, at the Life sciences research facility, Dublin City University, on the 31st August 2024. This workshop will take place before the 7th European Congress of Immunology (ECI) takes place in Dublin from September 1st-4th 2024. The registration form and preliminary program can be found here.
01.7.2 Webinars
Do not lose the opportunity to participate in the upcoming webinars:
- “Dendritic Cells and Immunotherapy” will be presented by Dr. Jessica Dal Col from the Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Salerno, Italy, in September 2024
02. Announcements

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) and Dissemination Conference (DC) grant calls are still open!
Please check the website: https://www.immuno-model.eu/mobility-grants/
02.1 STSMs
STSM grant call is still open: take advantage of the open call to learn new techniques, stay in another scientific environment, foster your scientific knowledge and background.
Please visit the following link: https://www.immuno-model.eu/mobility-grants/stsms/
02.2 Target Group Recruitment Committees
Target Group Recruitment Committees (TGRCs) 2 and 3 are still recruiting! Please visit www.immuno-model.eu/newsletter/issue-01/.
For more information, please visit the website www.immuno-model.eu or consult the MoU at the Action details About – IMMUNO-model.
02.3 ITC Applications
02.4 Dissemination Grants
Call for Dissemination (DC) grants: IMMUNO-model supports you if you want to attend meetings, conferences, events where you can disseminate the main goals of the Cost Action. Please visit: https://www.immuno-model.eu/mobility-grants/dc/
03. Videos and campaigns

Check out our videos and campaigns at https://www.immuno-model.eu/newsletter/issue-01/
- For the videos: Promotional videos of IMMUNO-model are out! – IMMUNO-model
- For the flyers: IMMUNO-model flyers are out – IMMUNO-model
04. Digital material

IMMUNO-model COST Action participants can now make use of the action logos and a power point template for presentations! Please go to the Members Area of our website to log in or register (https://www.immuno-model.eu/login/). You will receive a link (please check your spam folder if you don’t receive an email) to set your password and after that you should be able to start using the intranet and download the materials as needed.